Prerequisites – Practical & Technical Skills

Practical & Technical Qualifications required to qualify for an international guide certification

Guides must be able to confidently demonstrate all the following skills under these conditions:

Paddle with confidence I various conditions as those expected on a long sea kayaking trip on an open coastline that includes ocean currents, surf waves and wind.

The minimum conditions required to pass a NHKGIF technical skills evaluation are the following:

  • Wind up to 20-25 knots
  • In windblown waves of 1-1.5 meters,
  • In sea swells of up to 4 meters,
  • Ocean currents up to 6 knots
  • Surf waves of 1.5-2 meters.

Guidelines for proficiency in all paddling strokes

  • Effective paddle strokes
  • Good torso rotation
  • Correct hand position on the paddle shaft
  • All strokes must be executed on both sides
  • Flawless combination of strokes

Forward stroke

  • Must be able to paddle forwards in moderate seas at a speed of 3 knots for a minimum of 5 hours.


  • Must be able to stop using only 3 strokes from a speed of 3 knots

Reverse stroke

  • must be able to paddle backwards in moderate seas for a distance of 300m and then make a turn of 180 degrees

Sculling draw

  • move a sea kayak sideways at least 50m

Pulling Draw

  • Move a sea kayak sideways at least 50m

Static/Running Draw

  • Move a sea kayak sideways while it in a forward motion to avoid an object of danger

Forward Sweep

  • On an  edge, turn a sea kayak 180 degrees using 3 strokes

Reverse Sweep

  • On an edge turn a sea kayak 180 degrees using 3 strokes

Guidelines for proficiency in all paddling strokes (cont’d)

  • Effective paddle strokes
  • Good torso rotation
  • Correct hand position on the paddle shaft
  • All strokes must be executed on both sides
  • Flawless combination of strokes

Stern Draw

  • be able to use this stroke to keep your direction while crossing a eddy line
  • Use this stroke to turn in to the direction of the current while you cross an eddy line

Stern rudder

  • Use this stroke to hold your direction on a surf wave


  • Turn a sea kayak 90 degrees by edging your sea kayak  (on both sides)

Low brace

  • From a unexpected over edging bring yourself to a stable position with a low brace
    (spray skirt must be below the water line)

High brace

  • From an unexpected over edging bring yourself to a stable position with a high brace (your leading elbow must be below the waterline)

Paddle strokes in a tandem sea kayak

  • Good coordination
  • Good rhythm
  • Execute the same strokes as in a single sea kayak as well as flawless combinations of strokes.


Must be executed in a head wind of at least a breeze strength with clear and concise communication and confidence and good group control

 Contact tow

  • Tow a disabled paddler minimum of 500 m and then turn 180 degrees

Short tow

  • Tow a disabled paddler minimum 1 nautical mile

Long tow

  • Tow a disabled paddler minimum 2 nautical miles

Tow a swimmer

  • Tow a swimmer ( a disabled kayaker that has lost their kayak at least 1000m

Tow a raft

  • Tow a raft of a least 5 tandem sea kayaks a for a distance of at least 1 nautical mile

Tandem towing (distance of a least 2 nautical miles)

  • husky tow
  • inline tow

Paddling in currents
Paddle a loaded sea kayak in and out of ocean currents with strength of a least 3 nautical miles showing good edge control, speed, angles and timing.

  • Ferry diagonally across with the current; hold your angle with minimal loss of terrain
  • Ferry diagonally across against the current; hold your angle with minimal loss of terrain
  • Change direction half way across the current, using stern rubber strokes
  • Turn a sea kayak 180 degrees in the middle of a current using sweep strokes

Surfing (1.5 -2 meter waves)

  • Swim out through surf waves
  • Swim back in through surf waves
  • Launch through surf waves
  • Land in surf waves
  • Broach in surf and recover
  • Do an Eskimo roll in surf waves

Rescue skills for certified guides

  • Rescues must be preformed I both single and tandem sea kayaks
  • Rescues must be executed in a timely manner
  • Clear and concise communication
  • Rescues must be performed in moderate seas.

Self rescues
Consistent and confinement Eskimo rolls on both sides:

  • Eskimo roll (minimum 3 different rolls; screw roll, C to C, and Pawlata)
  • Reentry and roll

Assisted rescues
Assisted rescues must be performed in a timely and confident manner with good judgment and group control

  • Demonstrate the correct response to a swamped watertight hatch with loss of hatch cover
  • Demonstrate on the water kayak switching
  • Must be able to do a wet exit in waves or surf of 1.5-2 meters while holding on to all of your paddling equipment and swim to land from a distance of 50 meters or longer

Required assisted rescues

  • Arctic rescue
  • 3 ‘P’s parallel rescue